Hall Hire

The DRCA offers affordable room and hall hire


Request a Booking

    Hall and Café Space

    Monday to Friday.
    9.30am to 5.30pm: £36.75 per hour.
    5.30pm to 11pm: £57.75 per hour. (£47.25 per hour + £10.00 per hour staff supervision)
    Saturdays and Sundays.
    Anytime: £62.50 per hour. (£52.50 per hour + £10.00 per hour staff supervision)

    Club Room

    Monday to Friday.
    9.30am to 5.30pm: £36.75 per hour.
    5.30pm to 11pm: £47.25 per hour. (£36.75 per hour + £10.00 per hour staff supervision)

    Saturdays and Sundays.
    Anytime: £47.25 per hour. (£36.75 per hour + £10.00 per hour staff supervision)

    Call the Bookings Manager to validate the day and time of your booking.
    The Bookings Manager: 020 7720 0335

    Cancellation Charges

    In the event that a confirmed booking is cancelled, the following charges will be applied:

    • 2 months or less: 25% of room hire
    • 1 month or less: 50% of room hire
    • 2 weeks or less: 85% of room hire
    • 1 week or less: 100% of room hire